Luxlab (Showroom for Luxspace Pte Ltd)

Luxspace’s first integrated showroom was designed to provide hospitality and learning through the experience of 2 rooms– a front reception space and an inner ‘Laboratory’ integrating and showcasing multiple types of lighting systems. Guests are received in the front room before proceeding into the Lab space to test and experiment with different fixtures.

The rooms were designed on a grid that governs their proportions. Within the front reception, a suspended light track grid (not pictured in the photography) sets the anchor for the vertical lines of the cabinetry. Inside the Lab space, different lighting systems are integrated into the horizontal and vertical grid such that the space feels cohesive and tailored.

Learning, working and social activities easily happen in the showroom where the mobile and fixed furniture perform various uses and the lighting quality is always top notch.


Motional Singapore

Fintech Client 2.0